The MYTH of hard work

Maybe you needed to hear this today:

It’s a video I made in 2017 about how all these social media gurus hype “hustle” and “grind” as though they were the be-all and end-all of entrepreneurship.  Yeah you need a certain amount of persistence.  No question.

But you also need vision.

And smart systems.

One of my early mentors liked to say that when you motivate someone who’s going downhill all you’re doing is speeding them up.   Instead, stop them.  And educate them.

On that note, here’s a little chicken soup for the slacker’s soul:

There’s a secret 9-word email being used by the world’s most elite marketers that is cashing in BIG for a few lucky list owners.  The best story I heard so far is one of my colleagues used it to sell a $50M super yacht.

Yes I know how weird that sounds.

But it’s also true.

There was a bit more back and forth required to close the deal, but that simple 9-word message initiated it.

Here’s the catch:

I’ve seen this work like gangbusters in some markets, and utterly flop in others.

What those “magic” 9 words are…

Whether your industry is a fit…

And literally dozens more high-level email tactics and strategies…

All are to be found “inside” your Free Brainstorm Call with Yours Muscularly:

The levers we need are all around us.  They’re the tiny marketing hinges that swing open big doors through which profits flood in.  Smart email and smart copy are two of the best examples in my battle-tested experience.

Less “hustle”…

More leverage.

Happy Slacking,

Conor Kelly

The Muscle @ Marketing Muscle

P.S. I’ve been rocking the Celtic red beard for a while but watching this video I’m wondering if it’s not time to go back to clean-shaven…decisions, decisions.

5 reasons why every author should market themselves with email

Dear Fellow Writer,

If you’re an author who’d like to build a following, sell more books, and be seen as the go-to person in your industry, then this article will show you how – by using simple emails.

Without further ado, here are 5 reasons why every author should market themselves using email:


REASON #1: Publishing has changed.

The Internet (and Amazon) have changed the publishing game.  Gone are the days of big advances or publishers putting major marketing bucks behind a book launch.  In fact, unless you’re already a celebrity of some kind, the expectation is you’ll market your own books, whether you choose to self-publish or not.

So why would you choose to market yourself with email?

Everything’s moving online.  Heck, people are even ordering groceries from Amazon now.  And online, email is king.  No other medium on the World Wide Web is putting more sales into spreadsheets than email.  As Forbes reported in June 2018, email marketing is not dead at all.

Not everybody checks Facebook every day, but the average person checks their email five times per day.  Email is pervasive, global, and foundational to way we communicate as a culture.  And it will be for the foreseeable future.

Email has the highest ROI of any form of marketing (4300% according to The Direct Marketing Association).  Fully 60% of business owners say email is their most profitable marketing channel.  And according to McKinsey, a consultancy, you’re about 40% more likely to get a customer from email than from social media.

So the real question is what is it costing you not to market yourself with email?



REASON #2: Build your audience.

There is simply no better way to build a rabid following than with email.  While Facebook claims 2 Billion accounts…a full 25% of those are fake.  Email, on the other hand, boasts a hefty 6.32 Billion active accounts, making it 5x bigger than Facebook.

But the #1 reason to build a thriving email list?  You OWN your list.  It’s yours.  You can download that sucker and re-upload it somewhere else.  You can communicate with your list in the manner of your choosing.  There’s no one who can tell you otherwise.  And there’s no one who can take your list away from you.

You don’t own your social media followers.

An email list, especially a responsive one, is an asset.  Arguably the best asset you can have.

If you want to establish yourself as a leader, and the go-to person in your niche, the fastest way to do that is by regularly publishing high-quality content to a loyal legion of “fans”.  It becomes your “platform” for getting published and selling books, or whatever else you want to sell.


REASON #3: Sell more books.

You can engage, motivate, inspire, and SELL in ways you never could using social media.  All of this as a welcome guest in their inbox.

The best analogy I’ve heard for how to do this comes from email marketing great, Matt Furey.  He said to think of talk radio hosts like Howard Stern and how they’ve built they’re audiences.  Every day (or every week) your subscribers tune in to your “show” because they want the latest.  They want to read what you have to say.

Bottom line, your readers become more loyal to you with every email you send.

Imagine your favorite food is chocolate chip cookies. And every day I show up to your house in the afternoon with one freshly baked, chocolate chip cookie, just how you like it. How quickly are you going to love seeing me and hearing from me? The answer is almost immediately. When you do email marketing the right way, the result for your customers is the same.


REASON #4: Sell more other stuff.

Are you ready for the best part?  Once you have a throng of loyal subscribers, you can pretty much sell them anything.  They’re already sold on you.  In addition to your books you can offer events, courses, and high-ticket coaching programs.  Whatever you’re passionate about that you also know your followers want.

In this way, you mine the “acres of diamonds” in your backyard. You build out your suite of products and services to dramatically grow your income.  And your marketing dollars stretch further with email.  That’s because the relentless “drip marketing” effect nurtures the relationship and improves sales on the “back end”.


REASON #5: Attract other marketing opportunities.

Finally, email done well attracts other marketing opportunities.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve received referrals, requests for speaking engagements, or created joint venture partnerships, simply because someone on my list forwarded one of my emails.

The key is to be interesting.  If you’re interesting, you’ll get noticed.  When you get noticed, this will attract opportunities that were never even on your radar.  That’s when the journey gets really fun!


“But won’t I annoy people with too many emails?”

If your current emails are simply telling your customers and prospects about promotions and things going in your business, you shouldn’t be sending 1-2x per month, you should never be sending.


Because the best email marketing programs make the emails about the customer, not the business. They speak to their interests, attracting their attention and then gently compel them to buy more of your products and services. It’s a win-win. The customers love reading the emails, and your business wins because every email you send increases profits and revenue.

More than 60% of customers (those 25 or older in particular) would prefer to be contacted by brands via email (Adobe “Email Use 2017 – US Report“, 2018).  It is possible to get people “hooked” on your particular brand of emails.  Why not give them their regular dopamine rush?



If you want to grow your status as an author, email is the way to do it.  It establishes your positioning, and lets you sell more based on the credibility you’re building.  But here’s the catch:  Copywriting – i.e. writing to sell and persuade – and email marketing are different skill sets than most authors who write content, possess.

I know plenty of authors who’ll email their list a weekly article or something, but they’re not making many sales.  If you have a passion for learning copywriting, I encourage you to pursue it.  If not, it’s easier than you think to hire a professional copywriter like me.  Sure, the best of us aren’t cheap.  But the results are astronomical.  Having great copy in your emails and on your sales pages can literally transform your business overnight.

You’re a writer.  You get it.  Words matter.  And high-converting words make all the difference.

Good luck on your email marketing journey.  It’s a rewarding one, I promise you.

And if there’s anything I can do to help, it would be my pleasure.  Simply book your no-stress, Free Brainstorm Call here:



Conor Kelly is a leading copywriter, email marketing specialist, and publisher of the “Small Business Marketing” Newsletter.  He also publishes daily email marketing tips on his website at .  He specializes in helping authors, speakers, and coaches sell more books, courses, and high-ticket coaching programs.  His emails are read by people all over Canada, The U.S.A., Europe, and Africa.

4 Books That Changed My Life

Confession time…

I’m really a nerd trapped in a strongman’s body.

I read voraciously, and when I do, I use a pen to underline important passages (no pocket protector for that pen…YET).  I read many things twice, even three times.   And once in a blue sunrise, I come across something that inspires me to read it over and over again.

These 4 books are like that.  I’ve read each of them at least five times.

This year, I shalt devour them once more.

To make a short story long, here they are:

1. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.  First published in 1937, it’s the best-selling personal development book of all time AND tops the reading list for most of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs.

But don’t be mistaken, this is not simply a book about how to get rich.  Andrew Carnegie hired Napoleon Hill to interview and stalk crazy successful humans like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Theodore Roosevelt, to discover their methods and deliver the ultimate success philosophy.

What’d I tell ya?  That’s all kinds of cool.

(P.S.  Lately I’ve developed a preference for his later work, Grow Rich With Peace of Mind.  It’s more concise and is straight-up stacked with wisdom.)

2. The Magic of Believing by Claude M. Bristol.  Arnold Schwarzenegger, among others, has credited this book with changing his life.  And behold, the little Austrian boy has done okay for himself.

It’s sort of vomited onto the page with little direction in terms of chapter subheadings, but it’s filled from cover to cover with amazing stories that illustrate its core principles.

Truly an eye-opening read.

3. Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.  Dr. Maltz was a plastic surgeon.  He found that for most people, if you give them a facelift, a nose job, or remove a prominent scar, it would transform their entire personality.  But in some cases, even when the surgery had been successful, the patient would fail to notice ANY improvement in their appearance.

This led him to posit the existence of a self-image as separate from what we see in the mirror…and that the key to change lies in altering this self-image.

Deep stuff.

4. The Complete Works of Florence Scovel Shinn.  A contemporary of Napoleon Hill’s, she’s remarkable for being a woman in a field that – especially in the first half the 20th century – would have been uniquely male.

This one’s got a definite Christian bent (a lot of interpretation of the Bible), which might not be your cup of tea, but I still think it’s worth a mention.  I’ve given it to non-Christians who loved it so much it became their Bible.

She writes with a joyful tone and makes you feel playful about life.  It’s hard not to be charmed by her.  Also, her affirmations are great in dealing with fears and anxieties, and have guided me through some tough, valley-of-the-shadow-of-death type places.

By the way, you’ll notice not one of these was published any later than 1960.

There’s a method to my madness.

I like principles that have stood the test of time.

Anywhoo, put these on the reading list for 2019, or don’t.

Whatever minces your mackerel.

Just know that each of the above has helped me big time.

For further inspiration – and for email creation – follow the yellow brick road here to get your no-fuss Free Brainstorm Call:

But don’t delay.

I’m already booking projects several weeks out and my calendar is filling up.

Happy Reading,

Conor Kelly




Tryna figure out why the world is so cold

Here’s one for ya…

The other day I was doing a Google search and as I was typing my query one of the suggested searches in the drop-down menu was:

Tryna figure out why the world is so cold

(‘Tryna’ as in ‘trying to‘ in case, like me, you don’t always understand abbreviated English.)

And since Google’s suggested searches are often its most frequent searches I thought, “Dayum…all these poor S.O.B.’s out here…desperately wanting to make sense of the cruelty they’ve experienced.”

So sad.

Bit later I realized the phrase is a Mary J. Blige lyric.

Still…the world can be a cold place.  In business especially.  Until they know about you and your wicked ways, the market out there is VERY cold.  So what’s a late-adapting, spoon-fed Gen-X’er like me to do about it?

Simple…turn up the thermostat.

Allow me to explain:

I was recently asked how to sell to a resistant audience.  And while my first reaction was I’d never sell to anyone who’s resistant, I may have missed a beat in illustrating why – email.  Nothing works better than email for “warming up” an initially reluctant prospect.

Peep this.

You dangle a juicy bit of bait (something you know your market wants) and give it away free in exchange for an email address.  Then, you follow up.  Endlessly.  Until they either buy or unsubscribe.

(Btw, both of those outcomes are desirable.  More on that in a future installment.)

The Chinese water torture…the drip, drip, drip of your unrelenting emails eventually brainwashes…er, I mean wins them over to your way of seeing the world.  And by then the world is far less cold I assure you.

That’s when you get messages like (I’m paraphrasing, I’ve gotten many of these over the years):

Conor, you got me.  I had my doubts at first, but slowly everything you’re saying just started to make sense.  And I’m not one for blogs or emails usually.  Yours just hooked me somehow.  When can we talk?

You heard it here first.

How to persuade even the most brow-furrowing, arm-crossing skeptic.

Alright, that’s enough for now.

I’ll levitate down off my soap box.

If you’d like done-for-you emails that get customers to track you down, credit card in hand and eager to buy from you, then get your no-fuss, no-obligation Free Brainstorm Call to see if we’re a fit:

With any luck, you’ll never need to figure out why the world is so cold.

Happy Warming,

Conor Kelly

a.k.a  The Muscle @ Marketing Muscle

How to get more clients by spending less on marketing

A subscriber writes…

“I feel like I’m climbing up a hill with this SEO thing…like it’s a big investment with little results.  Do you think if I took what I’m spending on SEO and put it into building my email list instead, I’d have better luck?”

Ah yes, the classic case of marketing mountaineering.

Far less invigorating than real mountaineering, it is.

Many never make it back.

One client had been plunking down an eyebrow raising 6K a month for a year on an SEO service, and only made it to the bottom of page one on Google.

It’s enough to cause hypothermia and starvation, namely of thy bank balance.

What do I think?

I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck don’t want the good folks at Google with their finger over the kill switch of my marketing.  If SEO’s all you got…you’re one boardroom meeting away from dead.

(I recently recounted my tale of woe; the time a policy update at Adwords sent my lead count spiraling down the drain and my cost per lead soaring into the stratosphere.)

For my shekels, you can’t help but get better (and more predictable) results with list-building.

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep belting this tune to the rafters until I get the hook: you OWN your list.  It can’t be policy’d, de-platformed, or curated out of existence by the powers-that-be.  Keep your subscribers edge-of-their-seats engaged, wondering what you’ll do next, and make them juicy offers they want that solve a pressing need they have…and you got yourself real – not hypothetical customers.

Throw in a sales page that converts…

And well, better keep the champagne on ice.

Besides, the marketing equivalent of a day on the golf course is better than sending your dollars careening down an icy cliff face in Google’s no man’s land.

Save your adrenalin-fueled adventures for the weekend.

Who’s with me?

Get off the mountain here:

Happy Golfing,

Conor Kelly
“The Muscle” @ Marketing Muscle