Mirror selfies and the end of civilization

Meet Lazar Angelov.

He’s Facebook’s premier Bulgarian fitness model/personal trainer.  I’ve never met him, but coincidentally he trains at the same gym I sometimes frequent when I’m in Sofia.

In “Fakebook” terms, his following is HUGE.

His marketing basically consists of posting wax ‘n tan shirtless pics of himself in various locales.   This daily ab-check garners hundreds of thousands of likes, and thousands of comments.

(Isn’t that one of the signs of the apocalypse?)

Besides foreshadowing our impending doom as a species, it’s a pretty good racket.   He’s got a great physique and a photogenic look which seems to be enough for him to build a fan base he can besiege with his online personal training programs.

So one day I thought, “I can do that,” and figured I’d try the whole ab-domination routine.

‘Twas a mere two mirror-selfies later that I elected to scrap the idea.


It just ain’t me.

The Muscle don’t play that.

Heck, I never even wear tank-tops in public.

So instead I recommitted to doing it like Sinatra, my way, by flexing my digits against the keyboard of my laptop.  And aren’t you glad I do…

(Newsflash: no one really wants to see gym change room selfies anyway – unless you’re 1. a Jersey Shore reject, 2. a major creeper, or 3. Mark Zuckerberg…see #2).

Not hashing Lazar’s gig.  It works for him.  And the audience he appeals to would rather watch his body talk than read his emails – which I can vouch for having read his emails.

Here’s the point:

Prize poodle though he be on social media’s hierarchy of “hotness”, he still needs to pull people off Facebook (and get their email addy) to sell to them.  And he does.  His posts often include a link to his free report with a call to action.

Unless I miss my guess, based on the size of his following he’s doing a pretty penny selling e-books with badly written emails.  Now if he had good copy…

Here’s point #2:

If you’ve got any kind of consistent traffic, whether it’s a social media following or a physical location that gets foot traffic, it’s quick and easy to build an email list you can nurture to create more loyal customers and a near instant surge in cash flow.  A list that can’t be de-platformed, de-ranked, banished or otherwise taken away from you.

For help with the above, sail the cyber seas to request your Free Brainstorm Call here:


I have but one rule…

No mirror-selfies allowed.

Happy Ab-Checking-In-Private,

Conor Kelly

a.k.a  The Muscle @ Marketing Muscle

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